
Student using welding equipmentLearn the skills you need for a career in welding. Graduates of the program find job opportunities at local trade unions and in the manufacturing and construction industries.

All skill levels are welcome - from beginner to advanced.

Day and evening classes are available.

Get Hands-on Training

Earn Certifications/Licenses
Show your commitment to your trade. Certifications and licenses can lead to better job opportunities. In welding, some certifications are required to find employment. We offer:

Start Your New Career

What do I need to get started?

To enter the program, a qualifying score on the TABE (Test for Adult Basic Education) is required. Contact the EOC and start working toward your goal today. 

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We'd love to work with you.

Apply to the EOC Request Information

Get in Touch


Capital District Educational Opportunity Center
431 River Street, Troy, NY 12180

Capital District Educational Opportunity Center at HVCC South
Capital South Campus Center
20 Warren Street, Albany, NY 12202

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